We took Logan to the Canton square before Christmas to see the lights...He loved them, we tried riding around in the car in neighborhoods, but he cant really see them, so this was perfect, he could just walk around, explore and touch the lights
Can you believe that in one month my baby Logan will be 2??? he is getting to be such a big boy..he can say his numbers (not in English, but in Spanish, thanks to Aunt Phee!)
On this day, December 30th, I cant help but think back to a year ago today...It was absolutely the worst day in my life thus far...I had let EX have Logan last year on Christmas day and he was to return him on December 30th at noon at Renaissance parking lot...Mom and I were driving up at about 1145 and EX called and said he would not be meeting us...he had Logan and would not even tell me where they were..To say I completely lost it would be an understatement..I even called the ex-in-laws and they would not tell me where they were or when they left...I lost all respect for them on that day...as many times as I had brought Logan to their house by myself and let them visit with him. Finally my Aunt Phyllis got in touch with EX and figured out he was in an airport (as to their whereabouts, I am still unclear)...he told her he was a good person (lets compare him to Tiger Woods, not exactly a person of good character or morals)...We now know that he had filed for divorce and had to have Logan with him. The happy ending to the story is that I have full and legal custody of Logan now and will hold him a little more tightly today remembering what happened a year ago.
Logan and I will start this new year together with the family and friends that have supported and loved us throughout this past year. My support group in Ohio is so special to me--I could not had survived those 10 months without them.
This is not the life I had thought we would have, but with our faith , this is a new chapter in our lives that we are looking forward to. A new beginning for Lee Ann and Logan in 2010.